Recruitment for this study ended in Fall 2019

About the Study

Researchers at the University of Colorado are doing a research study to learn about the optimal diet for women with gestational diabetes. The researchers want to know what dietary options are best for mother’s metabolism and baby’s health. The information obtained from this study could lead to new dietary guidelines for mothers with gestational diabetes, which may help to decrease the risk of childhood obesity in their offspring.  The study, also known as "CHOICE", is funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH).  

*We are currently enrolling research participants for this study in women with gestational diabetes.

Who can join the study?

Pregnant Women who:

·   Live in the Denver Metro Area.

·  Have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes but are not taking medicine for blood sugar control.

·  Are willing to follow 1 of 2 healthy diets for blood sugar control.

·  Between the ages 20-39 years old.

·  Are less than 32 weeks along.

·  Have normal blood pressure.

·  Are planning on staying in the Denver metro area for 1 year postpartum. 

What happens if you join this study?

·  Our registered dietitians will plan and prepare meals for you according to your food preferences.

·  The meals will be delivered to you by our team, two to three times per week, for the rest of your pregnancy.

·  A total of 4 visits will be scheduled (at your convenience) during the third trimester of pregnancy.

- Study visits include Oral Glucose Tolerance Tests, measurements of metabolism, and body composition.

·  A total of 5 visits with you and your baby will be scheduled throughout the first year of your infant's life.

- We will take a small sample of blood 2 times throughout the first year of life. These tests are taken during the normal times required for your infant's clinical care.

- We will measure body composition on mother and infant.

·  For any questions, thoughts, or inquires our research team will be there to help and support you.

·  Financial compensation will be provided for participating in this study.


Interested in participating in this research study? Tell us about yourself!

Providing the information to us below is completely optional. You may skip any questions that you don't feel comfortable answering. The form is secure and goes directly to the email of the research team's Clinical Coordinator. If you do not qualify for any of our studies, your information will be deleted. If you would prefer to share information over the phone, please use one of the phone numbers above to contact us. Thank you!  


Funded by The National Institute of Health

Principal Investigator: Dr. Teri L Hernandez, PhD, RN

Approved by COMIRB #14-1358